Can You See Dolphins In Myrtle Beach?

So you’re planning a trip to Myrtle Beach, huh? And you’re wondering if you’ll have the chance to catch a glimpse of some playful dolphins? Well, I’ve got good news for you! Myrtle Beach is actually known for its vibrant population of dolphins. These magnificent creatures can often be seen swimming and frolicking in the waters, making for a truly unforgettable experience.

The Atlantic Ocean, which stretches along the coast of Myrtle Beach, is home to a variety of marine life, including dolphins. With their sleek bodies and friendly demeanor, dolphins are a sight to behold. You might even get lucky and witness them jumping out of the water or riding the waves alongside boats. It’s truly a magical sight that will make your trip to Myrtle Beach even more special.

Now, you might be wondering where exactly you can spot these delightful creatures. While dolphins can be found throughout the year, their activity is often more prominent during the warmer months. One of the best ways to see dolphins in Myrtle Beach is by taking a boat tour or a dolphin watching excursion. These tours are not only educational, but they also offer you a chance to see dolphins up close and personal in their natural habitat. So get ready to make some memories that will last a lifetime and keep an eye out for those friendly dolphins in Myrtle Beach! Yes, you absolutely can! Myrtle Beach, located on the beautiful coastline of South Carolina, offers plenty of opportunities to spot these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat. Whether you’re strolling along the beach, exploring the piers and jetties, or taking a boat tour, there are various ways to catch a glimpse of dolphins swimming gracefully in the waters. In this article, we will guide you through the best spots, the optimal times, and provide some tips for a successful dolphin sighting experience. We will also delve into the characteristics and habits of dolphins, as well as share some interesting facts about the Myrtle Beach dolphin population. So, get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey of dolphin watching!

Can You See Dolphins In Myrtle Beach?

Where to Spot Dolphins in Myrtle Beach

Beachfront Areas

One of the easiest and most accessible places to spot dolphins in Myrtle Beach is along the beachfront. Take a leisurely walk along the shoreline and keep an eye on the water. Dolphins are known to swim close to the shore, often just beyond the breakers. Look out for their distinctive dorsal fins breaking through the surface. You may even be lucky enough to witness their playful acrobatics as they jump and dive.

Piers and Jetties

If you prefer a more elevated view, head to one of the piers or jetties in Myrtle Beach. These structures extend out into the ocean, giving you a better vantage point to spot dolphins. The Second Avenue Pier, the Pier at Garden City, and the Cherry Grove Pier are popular spots among locals and visitors alike. Grab a seat near the edge and patiently scan the horizon. Before long, you may spot a pod of dolphins swimming by.

Boat Tours

For a more immersive dolphin-watching experience, consider taking a guided boat tour. Several tour operators in Myrtle Beach offer dolphin cruises that take you out on the water in search of these fascinating marine mammals. These tours provide an excellent opportunity to observe dolphins up close and personal in their natural habitat. With the guidance of a knowledgeable captain, you can learn more about the dolphins and their behaviors while enjoying a scenic boat ride.

Best Times to Spot Dolphins


The early morning hours, just after sunrise, are often the best times to spot dolphins in Myrtle Beach. The waters are usually calmer, making it easier to spot their movements. As the sun begins to rise, it casts a beautiful glow over the ocean, providing the perfect backdrop for your dolphin-watching adventure. Grab a cup of coffee, find a comfortable spot on the beach, and prepare to witness the enchanting sight of dolphins swimming in the golden morning light.


Another prime time for dolphin sightings is during the evening hours, especially during the golden hour before sunset. The tranquil waters and the vibrant hues of the setting sun create a magical atmosphere, enhancing your chances of spotting dolphins. If you’re staying in a beachfront hotel or vacation rental, step out onto your balcony or patio during sunset and keep your eyes peeled for any signs of dolphin activity. Watching these graceful creatures as the sun dips below the horizon is an experience you won’t soon forget.

Low Tide Periods

During low tide, when the water recedes further from the shore, dolphins may come closer to feed. This can create an excellent opportunity for spotting them from the beach. Check the tide charts for Myrtle Beach and plan your visit accordingly. Often, the two to three hours on either side of low tide are the best times to observe dolphins, as they take advantage of the exposed sandbars and shallow waters to hunt for fish.

Characteristics of Dolphins


Dolphins are well-known for their sleek and streamlined bodies. They have a torpedo-like shape, which allows them to move swiftly through the water. Their bodies are covered in smooth skin that helps reduce drag. Dolphins come in various shades of gray and can grow up to lengths of 9 to 12 feet, depending on the species. One of the most recognizable features of dolphins is their dorsal fin, which sits atop their backs. This fin varies in shape and size, depending on the species. Bottlenose dolphins, the most common species in Myrtle Beach, have a curved and triangular dorsal fin.


Dolphins are highly intelligent creatures, known for their playful and social behaviors. They are often seen riding the waves created by boats and surf, leaping out of the water, and engaging in synchronized swimming with other members of their pod. Dolphins frequently engage in bow-riding, where they swim in the pressure waves created by the bow of a boat, conserving energy while enjoying the thrill of the ride. They are also skilled hunters and use a variety of techniques to catch their prey, such as herding fish into tight groups or stunning them with a swift smack of their tails.

Social Structure

Dolphins are highly social animals and live in complex social structures called pods. These pods can consist of a few individuals to hundreds, depending on the species. Within the pods, dolphins form strong social bonds and communicate with each other using a series of clicks, whistles, and body movements. Calves stay close to their mothers for several years, learning vital skills and behaviors. Dolphins are known to be highly protective of their young, and pod members often work together to defend against predators and search for food.

Understanding Dolphin Habits

Feeding Patterns

Dolphins are carnivorous animals and primarily feed on fish and squid. In Myrtle Beach, dolphins can be seen foraging for fish such as mullet, mackerel, and menhaden, which are abundant in the local waters. They use echolocation to locate their prey, emitting a series of clicks that bounce off objects and return to them, allowing them to determine the location and size of their prey. Dolphins generally hunt in groups, working together to corral fish into tight areas where they can be easily caught.

Migration Patterns

While some dolphin populations are known to migrate long distances, the dolphins found in Myrtle Beach are mostly resident dolphins. They remain in the area year-round, as the local waters provide ample food and suitable conditions for their survival. However, it’s important to note that individual dolphins may move along the coastline in search of food or to establish their territories. As such, the presence of dolphins in specific areas can vary, making each sighting a unique and exciting experience.

Preferred Water Conditions

Dolphins prefer waters that are relatively warm and calm, as these conditions make it easier for them to swim and hunt. During the summer months, when the water temperatures in Myrtle Beach range from the mid-70s to the low-80s Fahrenheit, dolphins can often be seen close to the shore. They are attracted to areas with abundant food sources and may follow schools of fish or other marine life. Keep an eye out for areas with active bird activity, as seabirds such as seagulls often follow dolphins to feed on the fish they stir up.

Can You See Dolphins In Myrtle Beach?

Tips for Dolphin Spotting

Bring Binoculars

To enhance your dolphin-spotting experience, consider bringing a pair of binoculars. Binoculars allow you to see the dolphins more clearly, even when they are farther out in the water. Look for binoculars with good magnification and a wide field of view, which will help you spot dolphins and keep track of their movements. Remember to be mindful of other beachgoers and share your binoculars if someone else wants to catch a glimpse of these marvelous creatures.

Look for Disturbances in Water

When scanning the ocean for dolphins, keep an eye out for any disturbances in the water. Dolphins often create small waves or splashes as they swim, which can be noticeable even from a distance. Look for any ripples or irregular patterns on the surface, as these could be signs of dolphins swimming just beneath the surface. Pay close attention to any areas of concentrated activity, as dolphins may be chasing fish or engaging in social behaviors.

Observe Seagull Activity

Seagulls are excellent indicators of dolphin presence. These opportunistic birds often follow dolphins, feeding on the fish that the dolphins stir up while foraging. If you see a large group of seagulls diving and swooping over a particular area, it’s a good indication that dolphins may be nearby. The seagulls’ keen eyesight and ability to quickly locate fish make them reliable companions in the quest for dolphin sightings. So, keep an eye on the seagulls and follow their lead!

Dolphin Conservation Efforts

Importance of Conservation

The conservation of dolphins is crucial for maintaining the health and balance of marine ecosystems. Dolphins play a vital role in the food web, helping to control the populations of their prey species and contributing to a healthy ocean environment. Furthermore, dolphins serve as flagship species, capturing the public’s attention and raising awareness about the importance of protecting all marine life. By conserving dolphins and their habitats, we are safeguarding the well-being of the entire marine ecosystem.

Organizations Protecting Dolphins

Numerous organizations are dedicated to the protection and conservation of dolphins in Myrtle Beach and beyond. The Dolphin Research Center and the Coastal Carolina University Marine Science Program are actively involved in research and education efforts aimed at understanding and protecting these incredible creatures. The South Carolina Department of Natural Resources also plays a vital role in monitoring and enforcing regulations to ensure the welfare of dolphins and other marine life in the area.

Volunteer Opportunities

If you’re passionate about dolphins and want to contribute to their conservation, consider volunteering with local organizations or participating in community-based conservation projects. Many conservation organizations in Myrtle Beach offer volunteer opportunities where you can assist with research, education initiatives, and habitat restoration efforts. By getting involved, you can make a meaningful impact in safeguarding these beloved marine mammals for future generations.

Myrtle Beach Dolphin Facts

Dolphin Species Found

The most commonly spotted dolphin species in Myrtle Beach is the Atlantic bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). These dolphins are intelligent, highly adaptable, and can be found in coastal areas and estuaries along the Eastern Seaboard of the United States. The Atlantic bottlenose dolphins are known for their playful nature, making them a favorite among dolphin enthusiasts.

Population Estimates

Although it is challenging to determine the exact number of dolphins in Myrtle Beach, estimates suggest that there are several hundred resident dolphins in the area. These dolphins form smaller groups called pods, which can consist of anywhere from a few individuals to over a hundred dolphins. The population of dolphins in Myrtle Beach fluctuates throughout the year due to various factors, such as migration patterns and the availability of food.

Seasonal Variations

While dolphins can be observed in Myrtle Beach year-round, there are some seasonal variations in their behavior and presence. During the summer months, when tourism is at its peak, the beachfront areas and boat tours offer the best chances of spotting dolphins. As the waters cool down in the fall and winter months, the dolphin activity may decrease, but they can still be seen swimming along the coastline.

Other Sea Life Encounters in Myrtle Beach

Sea Turtles

In addition to dolphins, Myrtle Beach is home to several species of sea turtles, including loggerhead turtles and green turtles. These majestic creatures come ashore to lay their eggs during the nesting season, which typically occurs from May to September. The Myrtle Beach State Park conducts educational programs and guided turtle walks during the nesting season, providing a unique opportunity to learn about and observe these ancient reptiles.

Pelicans and Seagulls

Pelicans and seagulls are a common sight in Myrtle Beach. These seabirds play an important ecological role and are often seen diving and feeding on fish, just like dolphins. Pelicans in particular are known for their impressive diving skills, as they plunge into the water from great heights to catch fish. Watching these seabirds in action can be just as fascinating as spotting dolphins, adding to the overall wildlife experience in Myrtle Beach.

Various Fish Species

Myrtle Beach’s diverse marine ecosystem supports a wide variety of fish species. Along with the fish that dolphins feed on, you can spot fish such as red drum, flounder, speckled trout, and many others. If you enjoy fishing, Myrtle Beach boasts excellent opportunities for both recreational and sport fishing. Join a fishing charter or cast a line from one of the piers, and you may reel in a memorable catch while enjoying the beautiful coastal scenery.

Experience the Joy of Dolphin Watching

Unforgettable Memories

Dolphin watching in Myrtle Beach offers the opportunity to create cherished memories that will last a lifetime. Whether you’re a solo traveler, a couple seeking a romantic experience, or a family wanting to share a moment of awe together, witnessing dolphins in their natural habitat is a truly unforgettable experience. The sight of these graceful creatures gliding through the water, accompanied by the sounds they make, leaves a lasting impression that will bring a smile to your face for years to come.

Educational Opportunities

Dolphin watching in Myrtle Beach also provides unique educational opportunities. Observing dolphins in their natural environment offers insights into their behaviors, social structures, and adaptations to their surroundings. Children, in particular, can learn valuable lessons about marine life conservation and the importance of protecting our oceans and the creatures that call them home. Many dolphin tours and educational programs are specifically tailored to provide an educational experience for participants of all ages.

Connecting with Nature

For nature enthusiasts and those seeking a deeper connection with the natural world, dolphin watching offers a chance to immerse yourself in the beauty and tranquility of the ocean. As you scan the horizon, your senses come alive, tuned into the rhythmic movements of the waves and the songs of seabirds. The experience of observing dolphins in their natural habitat can be a meditative and soul-nourishing experience, allowing you to appreciate the wonders of the natural world and the interconnectedness of all living beings.


Seeing dolphins in Myrtle Beach is an experience that will captivate your imagination and leave you with a renewed appreciation for the ocean and its inhabitants. From beachfront sightings to boat tours, there are numerous opportunities to observe these majestic creatures up close. By understanding their behaviors, respecting their habitat, and supporting conservation efforts, we can ensure that future generations also have the privilege of encountering dolphins in the wild. So pack your binoculars, plan your visit, and get ready for an incredible journey of dolphin spotting in Myrtle Beach. The beauty of a dolphin sighting awaits you, along with the opportunity to connect with nature and cultivate a deep respect for the marine life that calls this coastal paradise home.