What Is The Water Temperature In Myrtle Beach

Are you planning a trip to Myrtle Beach and wondering about the water temperature? Look no further! This article has got you covered. We will be exploring the current water temperature in Myrtle Beach and what you can expect during different seasons. Whether you’re a beach enthusiast or planning a family vacation, knowing the water temperature is essential for a day of fun in the sun. So let’s dive right in and find out what the water temperature in Myrtle Beach is all about!

Factors Affecting Water Temperature in Myrtle Beach

Geographical Location

The geographical location of Myrtle Beach plays a significant role in determining its water temperature. Myrtle Beach is situated along the southeastern coast of the United States, specifically in the state of South Carolina. Its proximity to the Atlantic Ocean means that it is influenced by the ocean’s temperature and currents. The latitude of Myrtle Beach also affects its water temperature, as it is located in a subtropical zone where the Gulf Stream has an impact on the overall climate.

Seasonal Variations

Seasonal variations also have a major impact on the water temperature in Myrtle Beach. As with most coastal areas, the water temperature fluctuates throughout the year due to changes in the air temperature, solar radiation, and the movement of ocean currents. During the summer months, the water temperature tends to be warmer, while it cools down during the winter months. Spring and fall can have more moderate water temperatures as they transition between the extremes of summer and winter.

Tidal Influence

Tidal influence is another factor that affects the water temperature in Myrtle Beach. The rise and fall of tides can bring in colder water from deeper parts of the ocean, resulting in a temporary drop in water temperature. Conversely, during low tide, the warmer surface water may be exposed to the sun for a longer period, causing the water temperature to increase. The combination of tidal cycles and geographical features of the area can result in significant fluctuations in water temperature throughout the day.

Ocean Currents

Ocean currents, particularly the Gulf Stream, also contribute to the water temperature in Myrtle Beach. The Gulf Stream is a strong, warm current that originates in the Gulf of Mexico and flows along the southeastern coast of the United States. As the Gulf Stream passes by Myrtle Beach, it brings warm water from the south, resulting in higher water temperatures during certain times of the year. Conversely, when the Gulf Stream veers further offshore, cooler water from the north may be pulled closer to the coast, leading to a decrease in water temperature.

Average Water Temperature in Myrtle Beach Throughout the Year


During the spring months of March, April, and May, the water temperature in Myrtle Beach starts to gradually rise. In early spring, the water temperature hovers around the low to mid-60s Fahrenheit (15-18 degrees Celsius). As spring progresses, the water temperature steadily increases, reaching the high 60s to low 70s Fahrenheit (20-23 degrees Celsius) by the end of May. Spring is a great time for those who prefer milder water temperatures and want to avoid the peak tourist season.


Summer is the peak season for tourism in Myrtle Beach, and it is also when the water temperature is at its warmest. From June to August, the water temperature ranges between the mid-70s to low 80s Fahrenheit (24-28 degrees Celsius). These temperatures are ideal for swimming, water sports, and other beach activities. The warm water during the summer months attracts a large number of visitors who seek relief from the heat and the chance to enjoy the ocean to its fullest.


Fall in Myrtle Beach brings moderate water temperatures as the summer heat starts to fade away. September and October showcase water temperatures ranging from the mid-70s to low 70s Fahrenheit (24-21 degrees Celsius), providing comfortable conditions for beachgoers. As autumn progresses into November, the water temperature gradually decreases, entering the mid to high 60s Fahrenheit (18-21 degrees Celsius). Fall is a great time to enjoy the beach without the summer crowds and experience the changing colors of the surrounding nature.


Winter in Myrtle Beach brings cooler water temperatures from December to February, reflecting the seasonal drop in air temperature. The water temperature during this time ranges from the high 50s to low 60s Fahrenheit (13-16 degrees Celsius). While it may be too chilly for some to swim, winter still offers a beautiful coastal setting for walks on the beach or other land-based activities. It is crucial to note that during cold snaps, the water temperature can drop even further, so it is important to check local conditions before planning any water-based activities.

What Is The Water Temperature In Myrtle Beach

Specific Water Temperature Information

Water Temperature during Peak Tourist Season

During the peak tourist season in Myrtle Beach, which typically coincides with the summer months of June, July, and August, the water temperature ranges between the mid-70s to low 80s Fahrenheit (24-28 degrees Celsius). These temperatures are perfect for swimming, splashing around, and enjoying various water sports. The warm water draws crowds of visitors, including families, sun-seekers, and water enthusiasts, who flock to Myrtle Beach to make the most of the delightful beach experience.

Water Temperature during Off-peak Season

In contrast to the peak tourist season, the off-peak season in Myrtle Beach experiences slightly cooler water temperatures. During the spring and fall months, the water temperature ranges from the mid-60s to low 70s Fahrenheit (15-23 degrees Celsius). The milder water temperatures during these seasons offer a more tranquil and relaxing beach atmosphere. Visitors who prefer quieter beaches or engaging in activities like beachcombing and strolling along the shore often choose to visit during the off-peak seasons.

Water Temperature in Shallow Areas

Shallow areas of the ocean in Myrtle Beach tend to warm up more quickly compared to deeper areas. The sun’s rays can penetrate the shallow waters, quickly heating up the surface. During the summer months, shallow areas can reach the high 70s to low 80s Fahrenheit (26-28 degrees Celsius), creating comfortable conditions for swimming and other water activities. Shallow areas are often popular among families with young children, as the warmer water is more suitable for wading close to shore.

Water Temperature in Deeper Areas

Deeper areas of the ocean in Myrtle Beach tend to have cooler water temperatures compared to shallow areas. The lack of direct sunlight penetration means that the water retains more of its natural temperature. During the summer months, the water temperature in deeper areas typically ranges from the mid-70s to low 80s Fahrenheit (24-28 degrees Celsius). While still warm for most swimmers, it can feel slightly cooler than the shallow areas. Deeper areas are often preferred by experienced swimmers and divers who enjoy exploring the depths of the ocean.

Water Temperature near Piers and Jetties

The presence of piers and jetties can create variations in water temperature near their structures. As these structures extend further into the ocean, they can facilitate the mixing of warmer surface water with cooler water from deeper areas. This mixing effect can result in localized temperature differences. The water temperature near piers and jetties in Myrtle Beach generally follows the same trends as the surrounding areas, but there may be subtle variations depending on the specific location and environmental factors.

Effects of Water Temperature on Beach Activities


The water temperature in Myrtle Beach has a significant effect on swimming activities. During the summer months when the water is warm, swimming is a popular activity for both locals and tourists. The comfortable water temperature allows for prolonged swimming sessions without feeling too cold. However, during the cooler months, swimming may be limited to those with a higher tolerance for lower water temperatures or with appropriate equipment like wetsuits. It is important to be mindful of the water temperature and adjust swimming activities accordingly to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.


Surfers in Myrtle Beach pay close attention to the water temperature as it can affect their surfing experiences. During the summer months when the water is warmer, surfers may opt for shorts or thinner wetsuits to maintain flexibility. In contrast, during the cooler months, a thicker wetsuit may be necessary to stay warm and comfortable in the water. The water temperature also influences the types and sizes of waves, with warmer water often producing smaller, gentle waves, while cooler water can lead to larger and more powerful waves that attract experienced surfers.


Water temperature plays a crucial role in fishing, as it affects the behavior and movement of various fish species. In Myrtle Beach, warmer water temperatures in the summer months attract a wide range of fish, including popular catches like redfish, flounder, and Spanish mackerel. However, during colder months, some fish species either migrate or become less active due to the cooler water temperatures. Anglers must be aware of the water temperature and adjust their fishing techniques and strategies accordingly to increase their chances of success.

Water Sports

Water sports enthusiasts also consider the water temperature when participating in activities such as kayaking, paddleboarding, and jet skiing. During the summer months, when the water is warm, these activities become even more enjoyable as the higher water temperature provides a refreshing experience. However, during the cooler months, participants may choose to wear wetsuits or opt for activities that require less time in the water. By considering the water temperature, water sports enthusiasts can ensure their safety and comfort while engaging in their favorite activities.

What Is The Water Temperature In Myrtle Beach

Methods to Determine Water Temperature

On-site Measurement

The most accurate way to determine the water temperature in Myrtle Beach is through on-site measurement using a thermometer or a specialized water temperature sensor. These devices can provide real-time data by directly measuring the temperature of the water. Local authorities, research institutions, and beach patrol units often use on-site measurements to monitor and report the current water temperature to the public. Additionally, visitors can also use their own thermometers or rely on rental services that provide equipment for measuring water temperature.

Weather Websites and Apps

Numerous weather websites and mobile applications provide water temperature data for various locations, including Myrtle Beach. These platforms collect data from multiple sources, including satellites, buoys, and weather stations, to offer up-to-date information on water temperature. Users can access these websites or apps to check the current water temperature and even view historical temperature trends. However, it is important to note that the accuracy of these sources may vary, and it is advisable to cross-reference the information with other reliable sources.

Local Reports and News

Local reports and news outlets often provide information regarding water temperature in Myrtle Beach. Marine and weather experts, as well as local authorities, share updates on water conditions, including temperature changes. News outlets and social media platforms are also valuable sources for water temperature information, as they may report user experiences and observations in real-time. Staying updated with local reports and news can help visitors make informed decisions when planning beach activities based on the current water temperature.

Tips for Dealing with Varying Water Temperatures

Wetsuits and Swimwear

For individuals who plan to swim or engage in water activities during cooler water temperatures, wearing a wetsuit can provide insulation and help retain body heat. Wetsuits come in various thicknesses, allowing individuals to choose the appropriate level of insulation. Additionally, wearing swimwear appropriate for the water temperature and personal comfort is essential. Choosing swimsuits made of thicker materials or ones that provide additional coverage can help mitigate the effects of cooler water temperatures.

Check Weather Forecasts

Checking weather forecasts before heading to the beach can provide valuable information about the expected water temperature. Weather forecasts often include water temperature data along with other relevant climate conditions. By staying informed about the anticipated water temperature, visitors can make more informed decisions about their beach activities and come prepared with the necessary equipment and clothing.

Know Your Tolerance

Understanding personal tolerance to varying water temperatures is crucial for ensuring an enjoyable and safe beach experience. Some individuals may be more sensitive to colder water temperatures, while others may have a higher tolerance. Being aware of personal preferences and limitations can help gauge the suitability of engaging in specific water activities. It is essential to listen to your body and make choices accordingly to avoid discomfort or potential health risks associated with temperature extremes.

Plan Activities Accordingly

Considering the water temperature when planning beach activities is essential for maximizing enjoyment. During the peak summer months when the water is warm, swimming and water sports are ideal choices. However, during cooler months, opting for land-based activities or activities that require less time in the water may be more comfortable. By aligning activities with the water temperature, visitors can fully embrace the beach experience without compromising their comfort or safety.

What Is The Water Temperature In Myrtle Beach

Safety Precautions

Monitoring Water Conditions

Frequent monitoring of water conditions, including water temperature, is crucial for beach safety. Before entering the water, it is advisable to check water temperature updates, as well as other relevant conditions such as wave height and current strength. Visitors should be aware of any warnings or advisories issued by local authorities regarding water safety. Keeping an eye on changes in water conditions can help avoid potential risks and ensure a safer beach experience.

Swimming Near Lifeguard Areas

Swimming near lifeguard areas is highly recommended, especially for individuals who may be less experienced or uncomfortable with varying water temperatures. Lifeguards are trained to monitor water conditions and are equipped to handle emergencies. Swimming within designated lifeguard areas increases the level of safety and ensures that immediate assistance is available if needed. Visitors should familiarize themselves with the location of lifeguard stations and adhere to any instructions or warnings provided by lifeguards.

USLA Beach Flag Warnings

Paying attention to the United States Lifesaving Association (USLA) beach flag warnings is essential for beachgoers in Myrtle Beach. These widely recognized flags communicate specific safety information to visitors. Along with other safety indicators, the beach flag system may also include information regarding the water temperature. Understanding and adhering to the meaning of each flag color can help visitors make informed decisions about entering the water and engaging in beach activities.

Importance of Water Temperature Monitoring

For Tourism and Beach Safety

Monitoring water temperature in Myrtle Beach is crucial for tourism and beach safety. Understanding the water temperature allows tourism agencies, resorts, and businesses to provide accurate information and tailored services to visitors. It helps tourists plan their trips and activities accordingly, resulting in a more enjoyable and satisfying experience. Additionally, monitoring water temperature contributes to beach safety by allowing proactive measures to be taken in response to changes in conditions that may affect the safety of beachgoers.

For Environmental Studies

Water temperature monitoring in Myrtle Beach is also important for environmental studies and research. Changes in water temperature can provide valuable insights into the overall health of the marine ecosystem in the area. It allows scientists and researchers to assess the impact of climate change, ocean currents, and other factors on the local marine life and habitats. This knowledge helps inform conservation efforts and supports the long-term sustainability of Myrtle Beach’s ecosystem.

Factors Influencing Water Temperature Changes

Climate Change

Climate change plays a significant role in water temperature changes not only in Myrtle Beach but globally. Rising global temperatures can lead to increases in ocean temperatures, which in turn affect the water temperature along coastal areas such as Myrtle Beach. Climate change can alter weather patterns, ocean currents, and marine habitats, leading to long-term shifts in water temperature. Understanding the influence of climate change on water temperature is crucial for addressing its impacts and implementing appropriate mitigation strategies.

El Niño and La Niña

El Niño and La Niña events are natural climate patterns that occur in the Pacific Ocean and can have cascading effects on water temperature worldwide. During an El Niño event, the ocean’s surface temperatures in the equatorial Pacific become warmer than average, which can affect weather patterns and ocean currents globally. In contrast, during a La Niña event, the ocean’s surface temperatures become cooler than average. These events can influence water temperatures in Myrtle Beach, with El Niño tending to bring warmer water and La Niña tending to bring cooler water to the area.


Upwelling is a process that occurs when deep, cold water rises to the ocean’s surface, replacing warmer surface water. This process is often influenced by wind patterns, ocean currents, and underwater topography. Upwelling can cause a significant drop in water temperature in coastal areas, including Myrtle Beach. While upwelling can be beneficial for marine ecosystems by bringing nutrient-rich water, it can also impact the water temperature and associated beach activities. The effects of upwelling on water temperature can vary depending on the timing and intensity of the upwelling events.


The water temperature in Myrtle Beach is influenced by various factors, including geographical location, seasonal variations, tidal influence, and ocean currents. Understanding these factors helps visitors plan their beach activities accordingly and ensures a safe and enjoyable experience. Whether swimming, surfing, fishing, or engaging in other water sports, considering the water temperature is crucial for comfort, safety, and maximizing the beach experience. By monitoring water conditions, following safety precautions, and staying informed about water temperature changes, visitors can make the most of their time in Myrtle Beach and create lasting memories of their coastal adventures.