What Time Do Bars Close In Myrtle Beach

Myrtle Beach, renowned for its stunning beaches and vibrant nightlife, is a destination that never fails to allure visitors from near and far. If you find yourself in this coastal paradise, it’s essential to know the closing times of the bars so you can make the most out of your evenings. From the bustling downtown area to the calmer beachfront establishments, this article will provide you with the information you need to plan your nights out and ensure you don’t miss out on any of the excitement Myrtle Beach has to offer.

What Time Do Bars Close In Myrtle Beach

Bar Closing Times in Myrtle Beach


Myrtle Beach is a popular vacation destination known for its stunning beaches, vibrant nightlife, and plethora of bars. Whether you’re a local or a tourist, it’s essential to know the bar closing times to plan your night out effectively. This comprehensive article will provide you with all the necessary information on bar closing times in Myrtle Beach, including local regulations, weekdays and weekends closing times, special events and holidays, late-night bars, bar closing policies, as well as some tips for planning your night out.

Local Regulations

To ensure the safety and well-being of both visitors and residents, Myrtle Beach has implemented laws and regulations regarding bar hours. As per local regulations, bars in Myrtle Beach must close at 2:00 AM. These regulations are in place to prevent excessive alcohol consumption and to maintain a peaceful and orderly environment. It is important to note that adherence to these regulations is essential for all bars in the area.

Closing Times on Weekdays

On Monday through Thursday, the closing times for bars in Myrtle Beach are consistent with the local regulations. Therefore, you can expect bars to close their doors promptly at 2:00 AM. It is advisable to plan your evening accordingly to make the most out of the limited time available. The Myrtle Beach nightlife scene offers a diverse range of bars and establishments to suit every taste, ensuring you’ll have an enjoyable and memorable experience, even within the restricted closing hours.

What Time Do Bars Close In Myrtle Beach

Closing Times on Weekends

There is an exciting twist to the bar closing times on weekends in Myrtle Beach. On Friday and Saturday, bars are permitted to operate for a longer duration. You can relish a few extra hours of fun as bars are allowed to remain open until 3:00 AM. This extended closing time allows you more time to enjoy the vibrant nightlife and partake in the various activities offered at bars in Myrtle Beach. It’s worth noting that this additional hour on weekends makes for a livelier and more energetic atmosphere in the coastal city.

Special Events and Holidays

During special events and holidays, bar closing times in Myrtle Beach might differ from the standard regulations. It is essential to check for any special regulations or temporary changes to the closing times during these periods. For example, during major holidays such as New Year’s Eve or the Fourth of July, bars may be granted an extension to provide visitors with a special experience. It’s always wise to inquire about any modifications to the regular closing times during these festive occasions to ensure you can fully enjoy the celebratory spirit of Myrtle Beach.

What Time Do Bars Close In Myrtle Beach

Late-Night Bars

If you’re not ready to call it a night when the regular bars close, fear not! Myrtle Beach offers a selection of late-night bars that operate beyond the standard closing hours. These establishments are a haven for night owls and those who love to keep the celebration going into the wee hours of the morning. With their lively atmosphere and extended hours, these late-night bars provide an opportunity to extend your night out in Myrtle Beach, ensuring your night is as thrilling as you desire.

Bar Closing Policies

While all bars in Myrtle Beach must adhere to the same local regulations, their individual closing policies may vary. Some bars may choose to close their doors a few minutes earlier to allow patrons to finish their drinks and exit the establishment by closing time. On the other hand, some bars may strictly enforce the closing time, ensuring that all patrons vacate the premises promptly. It is advisable to familiarize yourself with the specific policies of the bars you plan to visit to avoid any misunderstandings or inconveniences.

Tips for Planning Your Night Out

To make the most of your night out in Myrtle Beach, it’s essential to plan ahead and consider a few tips. Firstly, it’s always a good idea to check the specific closing times of the bars you wish to visit. This will help you manage your time effectively and ensure you don’t miss out on any desired experiences. Additionally, exploring the diverse range of bars in the area will enhance your evening, allowing you to discover new and exciting venues. Lastly, remember to drink responsibly and arrange alternate transportation to ensure a safe and enjoyable night out.


In conclusion, understanding the bar closing times in Myrtle Beach is crucial to plan an enjoyable and memorable night out. Adhering to the local regulations, bars in Myrtle Beach must close at 2:00 AM from Monday to Thursday, while on weekends, they can stay open until 3:00 AM. During special events and holidays, closing times may vary, so it’s essential to verify any temporary changes during these times. Late-night bars offer the chance to continue the festivities beyond the regular closing hours. By following the specific closing policies of each establishment and planning ahead, you can make the most of the vibrant nightlife scene in Myrtle Beach. Enjoy your night out, have fun, and stay safe!